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Computershop timer trick

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Post: #1Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:33 pm



If you have ever wondered how you would stop the timer in an internet cafe so you could surf the web without having the time limit pressure you then you came to the right place. It's really easy if you follow these simple steps:

1)We are going to use a program called Process Explorer and you can download it from this link.

2)Now open it and something like this should appear:

Computershop timer trick  Image

3)Open “procexp.exe” and it should look like this:

Computershop timer trick  Image

4)Now you can see all these proccesses running and what we have to do is to find the ones related to the timer and pause them. The processes are called â€Client.exe” and “Guardit.exe”, you have to find them and right click on them. (in Cafesuite/CafeStation process is CafeAgent.exe)

Computershop timer trick  Image

5)Now as you can see, you have to click “Suspend” on both “Client.exe” and “Guardit.exe” which will actually stop the timer. Another important thing to know is that you can make the timer continueby right clicking on those proccesses again and clicking “Resume”.

Computershop timer trick  Image

There you go! Now you can surf the web as much as you want with this simple trick! So if you're low on money but want to use the internet, you know what to do!

Goodluck wag ka lng papahuli sa bantay, Computershop timer trick  Tehe

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